Bryony ladybird

As it is Heritage weekend I thought I might visit some churches...... that was until I got lured by the scrub at Sheepleas NR near Dorking.
While I was busy sweeping the scrub with my trusty sweep net looking for unusual spiders, I noticed this rather unusual (quite large) ladybird out of the corner of my eye....I braved the nettle patch, to carefully pick the leaf it was sitting on, only to find it was a Bryony ladybird Henosepilachna argus a brilliant new 'lifer' for me!
The Bryony ladybird  is a recent immigrant first found in the UK in May 1997 in a garden in north-west Surrey by a 5 year old girl. Since then large colonies have been discovered although the north-west area of Surrey remain as it's stronghold, and the 3 I found today were not that far away. It is thought it has spread northwards from Europe due to global warming.
This quite large (5-7mm) orange ladybird is clearly on the move in the UK, so watch out for it!

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