campervan man

By campervan

The clues were there if I thought about it

I have a few holes in the flower beds and some weeks when there is a shortage of blooms. Rather than spending a lot of money on a few specimen plants I decided to grow the extras from seed. In addition there are a lot of pots to fill next time round and it would be far cheaper to grow my own. I'd found last year that the internet can provide some interesting choices, so that is where I went looking. I selected seeds from various sites but one particularly caught my eye and I ended up buying more than I should have. They were offering some different seeds and nice bright packaging. I did get quite a surprise when they arrived in the post. Maybe I should have realised that there were some clues in the name of the seller, the Russian Exotic Seed Co. Not sure I understand the instructions, I will have to rely on the internet for planting advise.

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