
By TexMama

A Happy Native

One thing I have discovered after killing numerous plants here, is that if you want to grow something, you need to grow something native to TX. Not only that, but if it's been grown here, as opposed to being shipped in to the garden store, it will do sooo much better.
Early in the summer I visited a wonderful friend with a very green thumb and we raided her beautiful garden for some plants that I could put in my somewhat ugly garden.
This is one of my faves and it has done so well, despite my tendency to forget to water often enough.
They call it a Turks Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus v. drummondii) - it has probably doubled in size since I planted it at the beginning of summer so I'm really excited to see what it might look like this time next year. Each time it rains it flowers again, I guess that means if I was better at the watering thing it might flower all the time :0)

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