Bubble Trouble

We were invited to lunch by some friends today. It was supposed to be a BBQ but the weather ruled that out as it was a bit drizzly and quite chilly. They served a Fondue instead which seems to have made a come back over here, not sure if it has elsewhere!
Blipless this evening I decided to muck around with some bubbles but failed miserably, I thought. I saw some lovely patterns on the internet but was too lazy to read the article on how to do it. Apart from ending up with a lot of wet tea towels I didn't think I had achieved anything. On the computer I saw I had a small patch with a nice pattern on a bubble so decided to go with that. I was about to upload when it occurred to me I could crop it severely to enlarge the pattern and wondered if that was how the photos I had seen were achieved. I will have to read the article. 

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