sunday cycles

Yesterday's mooching in the Rapha cafe clearly had an effect on Miss Eve.... apparently Sir Brad was upstairs so maybe Eve had a chat and got some quality advice.

Today she really got the hang of the bike and it was super special to watch. We'd nipped up the road for a half hour practice before the rain set in for the afternoon. Before we knew it, the rain was driving down and Miss Eve was screaming with frustration as she so wanted to manage more than a few turns of the wheel (before Ant had to catch her). Ant deals well with extreme emotion in sporting situations (after 14 years of being married to me, I suspect - I wear my frustration on my face and the frustration is plentiful because I'm low ability, high ambition)! So Z and I played hide and Zeke in the shelter of the bushes and watched A patiently running up and down the playground, holding and letting go before grabbing Eve as the bike wobbled toward the ground. Then all of a sudden she got the hang of it and she flew off on her own. The best thing was that she didn't know she'd done it and had no idea why her Daddy was throwing her in the air and crying and Zeke and I were screaming cheers from the bushes. I'll always remember that hour in the autumn rain.

Other news... Zeke is a hummus fiend and demolished a massive pot of it today, even hiding with it to avoid sharing. He also danced like a crazy person when I put last night's proms on and said he wants to watch it again tomorrow - a surprise hit.

Church children's work blew my mind today. We have a little girl in foster care and her questions were so fantastic but heartbreaking. "Why should I speak to God when every time I think I'm being rescued, it all goes wrong?" She then cracked me up by saying that she's going to experiment to see if prayer really works by praying to be a dog (apparently her heart's true desire as dogs are kinder than people). We agreed she'd give it a go and see if anything changed. I asked her if she'd count it as an answer to prayer if she found she didn't want to be a dog any more and she said that was cheating. I'll definitely report back if she turns into a dog.

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