
I went to the cygnets I take care of already for two months. Something was wrong with the wings of the boy you see here below. The other cygnet was not there so I was looking for her and there she was. Another woman already called the animalambulance. Went over there where the woman lives and the cygnet got wurse and wurse, it looked like she was dying. Then the boy came and she got more active again. The animalambulance came and after talking what was the best thing to do, a man went into the water by boat and could take the wurse cygnet at the head and that way to us. I took her by the head and out of the water, walking with her and put her into the ambulance, first giving her a kiss. The boy was more difficult and the people wanted to leave him behind to come back later to catch him. I said" No, he needs to go with his sister and also needs care soon". The man went back into the water but could not get him. I talked to the cygnet and gave him some food, silently talking to him as always. He came very close and after a few times I could put his head, with a net they got him out of the water and I took him too and walked with him. He was yelling, but I talked to him and told him he needed to go with his sister and he needs care for his wing and than he was more at ease. He was heavy, more than his sister. Also gave him a kiss before putting him in the ambulance, because I will not see them again. They will go to a shalter for birds. Not easy to say goodbye to them this way.knowing they are ill. Later the people from the animalambulance phoned me and told it was Botulism and they are now in the shalter and got antibiotic. let's hope they will surive. Love them and hope they will stay together. Maybe I will drive this week to look for them. I know the woman that runs the shalter does not like people phone to ask how the birds are, but I need to know how they are, if they are fine. Please say a prayer for these birds. Already left alone by their parents when they were 2,5 months old and now this. They need strenght to get better. Thank you!!!

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