Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Banging my head on a brick wall

I am fed up. This year has been difficult.

I have so many things to be thankful for. I really do and I know that but.....

We could just do with a break in the relentless bits of life that keep kicking us in the ass. Bank Managers totally and utterly unable to do their job. This has resulted in accounts being frozen. We have then paid solicitors to find out why to find out it was the Bank themselves!!!! When we told the Bank we got greeted with a message of " Oh" and yesterday we had letters that make no sense whatsoever. Sign this mandate so you can send money to the solicitors.....but we dont want to or need to?!?!?!?

I am a ranting. I am fed up. Banging my head against a big brick wall - hence the blip.

As you were.

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