
By momcat1

Sherlock Holmes I need your help

Well , that or anyone with an idea of how to identify an unknown bug seen on a gone to seed Queen Anne's lace flower on a mid September walk. How is that for a run on sentence? Or if you are of a birding mind : the confusing fall warbler in extras, which I think is a juvenile chestnut sided warbler. Odd color I know , but it was in the shade and I had the white balance on cloudy . It was really more yellow than greenish.
I do think i should apologize for just dropping stars and not comments on your photos as well as not posting often or commenting back . Thank you for any stars you may have sent my way. It has been a long summer at work since moving to the new building and I am still dealing with longer hours than I would like. Hopefully the computer issues will be settling down for good  and I will not be so tired that I can't even manage to download photos at the end of the day ,that is when I get home  early enough to even manage taking a  photo.

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