Wednesday at Canyon Gate >> #6 << 7:52 am
I'm still on Bunker duty. Getting up, feeding and walking the little beast and being at the course to play golf by 6:45am was not in the cards this morning. He let me sleep in until 6:00am this morning. I had my coffee, read the paper and then we took a walk to the clubhouse.
This is the view from the balcony, looking over #18 on the left and #9 on the right. That is Red Rock Canyon in the distance.
I am going to tag the extra for WildWed (thank you Cailleach for hosting. I think this is the first for me) That is Bunker looking out over the course. He is a wild one on our walks when he gets a scent of something. He did flush out some quail on our way back to the house.
This is the first time I have attempted to take the Big Girl Camera with me on our walks. He isn't that patient, but I think it will work in a pinch.
I am grateful to be so close to the beauty that surrounds us.
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