They're back!

The Tuc sandwich is back....yay!

What a long day, I have a banging head now. I arrived home after half ten.

A big bearded man with huge ear studs that stretch the pierced hole came into my health screening booth. He was a bit monosyllabic and not really 'the catch of the day'. I asked if he had done anything strenuous that morning, there was a long pause before he said 'No'. I then asked if he proposed doing anything strenuous later on, there was a much longer pause before he said, 'Well, I've got a date so who knows.' Oh Lordy.

Jeff asked me over to help with a needle, but I couldn't get it going. I said I would do the other arm though as it was the donors hundredth donation. Thankfully, it went well and he was really pleased, especially when I ripped up paper and threw it over him and announced to the room that it was number 100.

I had some really tricky needles today and there were one or two that I held my breath with, but then did a fist pump in my head when they struck gold.

I feel like I could sleep for a week now....

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