My reconstructed bird table .....
..... complete with collapsed bird feeder !!!
As I took this pic one side of the feeders " hanger " just broke with no reason . It made me laugh so I just had to leave it in.!!
"A" insisted in reconstructing this , he loves making things / repairing things, I may have thrown it away !
Note the strip on the top, this is pigeon prove they just can't balance on it, another one of "A's" inventions. We'll see how long it lasts?
It was really bright and warm , but it has suddenly gone dull again , I suppose it is to be expected now in mid September. It would
have been my late husbands birthday but I now have my " new nearly granddaughter M's to celebrate " happy birthday dear.
Not a lot happening today , "A" will be here latter for lunch, then he's off to a Rolls Royce exhibition in Derby on Saturday , he'll be away for a week and I'll miss him .
Thankful ..... for the years I spent with my dear husband.
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