Sunset silhouettes

Am backblipping this pic as I was so full of cold & headache last night! 
We had a lovely start to the day when we bumped into Pampo from Sa Penya outside Asha's school! He's got work sweeping the streets & was having a coffee break!
Danny was teaching in the flat most of the morning, so Nate & I made ourselves scarce... 
We had a school meeting to get to know Asha's new teacher etc...turns out all the girls have been moved, 1 per table...I went round trying to subtley check out whose names were where! Ha! 
Bumped into one of our lovely neighbours again...she must be in her 80s...her teeth fall out as she talks to you...she loves Asha & Nate, in fact she calls Nate by his middle name, Rafael, as she can't get 'Nate' to stay in her head! She's a lovely lady who always wants a natter. 
Early evening we headed out to the rocks to see if the fresh aor would help my head (it did). It was just wonderful to sit in the cool, watch the sun disappear, listen to the waves...

Drama of the day;
Awful headache and cold.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha describing Nate as very 'cuddlish'...such a great word! She loves that boy!
2) One of the Dad's filling in the bits I'd not understood of the teacher/parent was very fast Spanish!
3) Time at the rocks to be still...

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