Flower Friday

Yet again, blipping a day behind! I kept falling asleep last night, just couldn't keep my eyes open!
Asha went off to school really well! She's obviously adjusting...
Danny and I had a great morning on Skype to good friends and encouragers! It left us both feeling buoyed!
Then whilst Danny was out with the last short term team of the season, Asha, Nate & I went for fro-yo & a wander. Nice to bump into different people...a real variety of folk!
The evening plan was to take burgers down to the rocks, but Nate napped at 6pm and didn't wake til 10pm when we woke to change his nappy! And then went back down til 5! And straight back off after a feed! He must have been shattered!
So as we were suddenly house-bound, we had burgers at home & watched Beauty & the Beast...Neil, if you're reading this, Asha kept talking about Disney World & how she'd seen all these places FOR REAL!!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Spanish culture...at one point Nate had 3 old ladies gathered around him cooing & kissing his feet! 
2) M&M & their encouragement.
3) Fun times...like family films & burgers.

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