All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Flying Saucers in the Woods

As it was my day off today, I decided to go for a walk to see if I could get any inspiration for todays blip. I ended up traipsing round Wilderness Woods . It's only a few minutes walk from my house, yet despite having lived here for 8 years, it's only the 2nd time I've ever ventured into the woods! According to the Woodland Trust website there is a "high diversity of animal life" living there but I was disappointed not to see any. However, I did come across these big fungi growing out of a tree.

I don't know what it is about about mushrooms, toadstools and fungi in general but I just don't like them. I won't eat them and even looking at the big ones in the supermarket makes my skin crawl but I was "brave" and took some pictures of these. Is it just me though or are these completely vile? I don't even know what type they are although having googled a few I'm guessing it's a type of Shelf Fungi?

Shortly after taking this picture I stepped in a big, wet, muddy hole and ended up with sodden jeans and trainers! That was enough to make me head for home but who know, I may venture into the Wilderness again some time.

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