All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

A gathering of firemen!

Well, we saw the Health Visitor today (as mentioned on yesterdays blip) for advice and support with feeding Ethan. Left feeling a bit let down as I'd specifically wanted her to watch me feeding to give me practical help and show me where I could do things better. But I didn't get that and she just seems more focused on the fact he's sleeping well during the day. She didn't seem concerned by the fact we had no sleep last night and that he fed badly during the night or that my boobs are now killing me when he feeds. We tried to get Ethan to sleep from 11pm last night .... he finally went to sleep at 6am after hours and hours of screaming! Worst night yet. She just told us that's normal and couldn't offer any practical suggestions for what we can do to improve things. She finally agreed to come out to the house tomorrow to help with the feeding but I'm not feeling overly confident about things!

I did do more Kangaroo Care with Ethan this afternoon though and afterwards he had a really big feed. He seemed very content until I winded him and he threw up, all over my hair, lol! Still, might try more Kangaroo Care before bed tonight to see if it helps him settle down.

Aunty Foreveryoung came over to visit again with her hubby this afternoon. She kindly bathed Ethan, did a few nappy changes, and cuddled him when my hubby and I fell asleep for an hour!

As for todays image, on our way back from the Health Centre we drove past 4 fire engines parked outside one of the empty units at Kirkton Campus. All these firemen were gathered round beside the frozen lake. At first we thought someone had fallen in but this didn't appear to be the case so made us wonder if they were on some sort of training exercise.

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