Grapes of Ready
Need to get the harvest in...
Slow morning. First sleeping in of the school term (not me!), but she made it anyway. CarbBoy continues to astonish by going to bed really late, getting up on his own at 6.30 (no-one else gets up that early) and yet not being grumpy and tired (like the rest of us are). Dunno what his secret is.
Morning spent doing this and that, mainly just anything that would put off the inevitable yoga practice. Though when I did get down to it I wished I'd done it at 7.30 like normal as, firstly, my abs were in agony all day, until just after I'd done some yoga, when I felt right as rain; and also, yoga after egg salad for lunch turns out not to be the best. Regardless, my sideways planks were tolerable (though less long-lasting and slightly swearier than my lovely internet teacher) and the whole thing was a breeze compared to yesterday. Turns out I'm strong in lots of places, but not my abs.
Hyped up on yoga, I took the rabbits out for some exercise. Obviously they immediately ran in opposite directions and started munching on poisonous plants, and I remembered why we only take them out if there are as many humans as bunnies. However, my yoga buzz carried me through it. I was perturbed after the first yoga session (ooh, all of just over a week ago) at the buzzy calm feeling afterwards. But now I'm getting a bit hooked on it I think. Which is a good thing for my core. Apparently.
Later, some more chatting with our legally-challenged family member who is, to everyone's surprise (mainly her customer service-challenged lawyers) not in her new flat tonight. Grrr.
Later still, some stern words to the bank who have got me in trouble with a tough-talking Panamanian lady. Google translate and TallGirl hopefully sent some Spanish down the wires to calm things down a bit.
And later still (so late it hasn't happened yet), Mr B will burst through the door and, all of a sudden, it'll be the weekend.
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