Autumn .....
..... is here!
It seems like yesterday I was doing this!
As "A" is away for the week I thought I'd start the cutting down and generally tidying the garden. However after an hour I just had to give in --- but it's a start. I've also changed my wardrobe from Spring/ Summer to Autumn /Winter again it's a start!
At church today the sermon was based on St Matthew's gospel Ch 18 Vs' 21-35. Now I may be very controversial in this , as at present it effects our family, but I've ALWAYs found this a hard account to come to grips with! On one hand how can I say the Lords Pray if I don't forgive!! Looking at it another way -- I find it difficult to distinguish --- revenge / justice and punishment!!!
Surely the last two can have the same meaning? You could say punishment is revenge! In my eyes I look at it as punishment will keep the general public from further harm from the perpetrator and hopefully give him/ her chance to see the error of their ways!! With the real chance of repentance and learn the correct behaviour.
But forgiveness is a really hard one when it comes to capital crime such as MURDER!!!
If we hang on to the " revenge " part , I'm sure that is so debilitating for the one who's lost someone/ harmed by the perpetrator . Where do we go with this one??? I guess it takes time a very long TIME.
Thankful ...... to be able to share my thoughts without being judged .
In other news "A" has just called to say he arrived safely in Derby at 12.15pm
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