
By FarmerGirl

Lamb in a Cradle

Today we gathered up our two wee lambs, and took them to the woolshed where Farmerboy castrated, and tail docked them. He put them in the 'cradle' as seen in the picture, which is a special piece of equipment especially used for these types of procedures.

These lambs were born on the 9th August - have a look here to see how small they were when they were born. In those 6 or so weeks, they have grown into good size lambs.

Daylight saving starts tonight, so it will be early to bed for Farmerboy, as instead of getting up at 4.45am, it will feel like 3.45am. I'm sure the cows will be a bit confused as to why they have to go to the shed at such an early time of the morning!

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