Planting corn
I have had for awhile a little kit for an N scale corn field. Even a place to put it. In Craig CO, a small farm community, I have a space for a farm scene. Barn, house, silo, wind mill, and the end of a corn field. The model is from Bluford Shops, and I airbrushed the rows with several colors. Still have to add some earth around the edges. Amazing in that this is N scale.
The building next to the corn is the back of Karen's Diner - yet to be painted as well. An old resin kit that I have had for 20 years. About time to get it painted I guess. It is named for my sis-in-law, slipper Aquamarine who LOVES to cook. This of you that know her will see the irony.
Doing this model now is a little soon for my schedule, but I want to paint the fascia and before that need to get all the landscaping and gluing done first, so the glue does not have new paint to drip down on. Chicken and the egg I suppose.
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