Technology Blindspot...

I managed to sort out one of my internet blindspots. I, by no means know everything about everything internetty but there are certain things that I've felt are kicking about there that I should have at least a wee understanding or dabble with.

What is it?

Podcasts. I bloody hate the name because it absolutely doesn't describe what it is but some bod somewhere has managed to make the name stick as a viral link to a market leading fruit based MP3 player. Podcasting sounds like something to do with peas and fixing broken legs!!

I digress... Anyway I came across the Podcasting menu in my phone and managed to suss out a) how to access and download podcasts that it supplied and b) how to take a podcast address of my own choosing (Radio4s Friday comedy podcast) and subscribe to it, downloading straight to the phone through the WLAN adaptor built into the phone.

I feel a small sense of achievement that has fed my inner geek.

Next up, I need recommendations. Does anybody know the addresses of any decent free podcasts I can subscribe to?


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