BlipaEwan 13...

This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I try to get them on the same date of each month (the one year ago thumbnail has proved a brilliant tool for this series) and in the same pose so that I can see them change over time.

Today Ewan turns to the grand old age of 1 year old. That year went really fast and it now means that the 1 year ago thumbnail comes into play for the Ewan Blip. He and Bethany sort of helped me with the signage last night but in the end, their contribution really was the odd scribble here and there.

This month Ewan has started to pick up gestures. He regularly claps and usually in context which is brill. Another one is his wee wave which he does if asked to. When I say wave, it's more a repeated hand clench but he does understand the concept of waving reciprocation.

He still doesn't do a conventional crawl but more a gorilla one leg lumber which is fairly efficient for him but it has meant that we've had to devise methods of house modularisation. My preferred method is putting a large object across the living room door so he can see where we are but can't get out of there into slightly more dangerous areas of the house. He is also able to pull himself up to lean against things as well. This is obviously leading to his first steps but I've learned from Bethany that there is no point in speculating on this at all.

Lastly you might notice that he was giving us a wee tune on my harp at the time of the picture. I find this brilliant because he knows what he is doing and how to generate sound from it by blowing and sucking. He is always fair away with himself when he does it.

You can check out the rest of this series by entering the word BlipaEwan into the Blipfoto search tool.


It is also my cousin's birthday today who has re-started posting after a wee break. Go and have a wee peek, she does some cracking blips.

Happy Birthday PTL.

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