The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Space, The Final Frontier

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

A very lazy Monday holiday with the Mini Princesses. They decided to clear out some of their old games (to make space for other crap). Eldest Mini Princess uncovered a hidden letter she had written to NASA when she was about 8 detailing why she would be perfect for the Mars One mission.

Her heartfelt plea read 'I may not be an adult but I have a lot of stickers'

She had included 4 stickers as evidence of her impressive credentials. The stickers had been awarded for:

Good behaviour (teacher)
Being a good friend (BFF)
Being brave (dentist)
Having shiny teeth (as above)

Now I know how Tim Peake got the job.

I had a couple of blissful hours with my bum planted firmly on the sofa and a very amusing chat with you O'H Dear. (I promise to turn down my mic next time!).

My batteries feel recharged.


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