Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Lola, L-O-L-A, Lola

Up at the crack of dawn today to give Dornie and Shuna a quick walk before moving on to the next house-sit by 8.30. This one is for my friends, Anne and Drummond, and involved chauffeuring them to Glasgow Airport, then delivering a couple of Anne's paintings to the Lillie Art Gallery in Milngavie for a forthcoming exhibition.

Since I was in the area, I popped in to scrounge a cup of coffee from visit my friend, Jen, whom I haven't seen for months, and she kindly offered me a cup of coffee. This is her very lovable labradoodle, Lola, whose nose has been put out of joint scratched by the arrival of a rescued cat called Rosie, who doesn't want to be friends... yet, anyway.

My new charges are Jinty, an elderly well-behaved mongrel, and 5 hens. Jinty is not at all photogenic - a bit like myself - but I hope to get some blips of the hens in the next few days.

Have a listen to Lola

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