The Four F's

. . . and none are expletives: friends, fun, food, and flower.
We flew home this afternoon after a mighty nice week on Monterey Bay. A week with Soozaday and MisterS including a weekend at the 60th Monterey Jazz Festival.
They live a lush life with a yard filled with fruit and vegetables. Every morning it was heaps of fruit; in the evening I could stand next to the barbeque pretending to help, while actually marveling at how I could practically touch a tomato, a lemon, an apple, or a kiwi without moving my feet. In two steps I could've burdened myself with endless zucchini, figs, lime, pear . . .
We headed for home filled with love and laden with jars of jam and flower cuttings including Plectranthus zuluensis. Soozaday patiently held up the plant tag before digging up some to send along. Commonly named Zulu Spurflower, it promises "delicate blue flowers and velvety leaves."
Do I really have to wait a year until next year's festival and another visit?!

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