Bonny bug
This little fella was lurking under the window frame this morning (by this evening he had sensibly found a quiet spot behind the curtain, where I presume he plans to spend the winter).
So, I did have the power of ambulation this morning, which was a very Good Thing. It was quite a painful thing too, but possible. Which didn't seem likely last night.
Having a rabbit escape today did not help my pain levels - she can move at quite some pace and had to be caught before she disappeared down one of the many holes in our house! Still don't know how she got out. May have to think about making the fences higher...
Lots to do - the jobs list doesn't seem to get any shorter these days. But I squeezed in some fun stuff too: potting up some planters so the front of the house looks more cared for (most of the summer there have just been two perfectly symmetrical, and perfectly dead, plants out there). I'm sure the neighbours would rather I re-rendered the front of the house, painted the shutters, and fixed the steps, but this will have to do for now.
Mr B is having a complicated time. And there's not a lot I can do about that. But we have a mini-break to look forward to in a week or so, which should be fun.
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