At the beginning of autumn, the garden is like a thing in shock. Everything is brown, droopy, and tired looking. Then suddenly, with a bit of September rain and some cooler nights, the lawn is green again, the dahlias have rejuvenated, and suddenly there are crocuses everywhere: a taste of spring to get you through winter.
My ankle has given the rest of my leg the idea that pain is fun. So this morning I tried to find a stretch that would sort the agonising calf cramp without making my ankle do the bad twingey thing. Failed.
So, the lawn needed mowing, but that has to go on hold until walking works better. But weeding seems fine, so the veg garden had a going over ready for cabbage, chard, kale and leeks. And as a bonus I am all caught up on the Archers and GQT.
More grape processing, some work, some reading, and some hornet squishing. There should have been a lot more foot resting these past few days.
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