The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Playing chicken...

Who dodges first, Pippa or the camerawoman?!?!

Well, it was fab to talk to you twice today and to hear your news and fill you in on mine. I'll not bore you by writing all my antics today here on blip, but suffice to say that since we spoke this afternoon we have had a fab walk down to the church and Pippa and I went flying about a second after I took this shot! I was squatting and she tried to scoot under by bum to avoid hitting me...she made a clean exit and I wobbled and fell over! ;0)

I've finished all the Parish Council minutes, six letters (yes, six!) and next month's agenda and they are all printed and packaged to post. I've written birthday cards and sorted Q's 21st goodies out ready to package tomorrow. So, now it is time for a fresh tuna steak and a few veggies...aubergine and asparagus I think! Hope you sleep well, catch you tomorrow afternoon!

PS. Did I tell you The Company of Educators have invited me to their drinks reception in January for prospective members of the Company? I have to go to London the day before my birthday so that they can see if I am suitable! Cool!

PPS. If you google CCEAM you will see the international journal that are peer reviewing my thesis article...if they like it, it will be published by them! Double cool!!


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