The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The taste of heaven...

I do love a blackberry. Well, a lot of blackberries! I've not eaten any since I came back as I decided to widen my fruit intake range to accompany my yoghurt...I've been a blueberry and raspberry addict for the past few weeks but this evening the dogs and I headed down to the church on our walk and I spotted a big bush of these fellas...I picked lots, storing them in an inside-out poo bag and intermittently threw the ball for Pips...Rags ate the blackberries off the lower branches (his poo will be grim tomorrow!) and Lottie dug a zillion holes in the farmer's field. It was heaven for us all! On the walk home I put my hand in the bag to munch a few, just as a horse rider came past...she did a double take, think she thought I was eating dog poo!!!! ;0)

The day has been a whir of gym training, shopping and completing the 27 jobs that were on the list this morning. All done except two so I know I have time to do them and can go to bed feeling chuffed with my weekend of productivity! I'm so glad you caught me on FT tonight, I was worried I'd miss you...have a good week and make sure you rest well and get your strength back before the adventurous weekend you have planned!


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