Another Day...Another Funeral

Another good woman has left us. This time, it was the mother of our associate pastor. Sue was the mother, and Mike is her son.

We go way back with both of them. Sue and a young Mike used to be good Baptists, and went to church with my grandparents Jack and Jewel. Mike used to hit up my grandpa for the butterscotch and peppermint candies he always carried in his pocket. Plus, our children and Mike and Cindy's (his wife) children have grown up together.

I was proud of our boy Mike. He did the funeral service for his mother, and did a fine job. I just imagine it was very hard to do.

His mother and dad moved from Michigan to Tennessee several years ago, and opened their southern home to many travelers...including us.

It was again a bittersweet kind of day...bitter in the fact that we hate to see loved ones leave us, but sweet in the fact...that again...we know where she is going.

I'm always inspired by the way our church family takes over, and helps to put on a funeral dinner for the bereaved family. Today, I was the go-fer, and a setter-upper and taker-downer.

When I was cleaning out my den this week, I found Grandma Sue's famous chicken and dumplings recipe. I'm going to try it out, and I'll let you know how it goes.

Rest in peace Sue.

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