Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Just horrendous weather for today's Gather. The rain held off until we were all out the hill and it was too late. My girls faces says it all and this is before it really closed in with thick mist strong winds and heavy rain. I usually wait here an hour for the gather to come round. Today when it closed in I was ridiculously exposed so I moved on to find shelter. Once I found a good spot I got out my foil blanket that I always carry with me and huddled under it with Dris until we made contact with the other gatherers. It was very cold waiting and wondering if the others had gone home! Eventually they made contact on the radio and we converged onto the same spot and as we did the mist lifted. Still wet and windy!! By this point my waterproofs had given up. All sheep together and a fast rising river to cross meant wet feet to finish it all off. Dogs got their drying coats on and onto the straw bed in the back of the pick up. Humans had forgotten to replenish the spare clothes bag so a 1.5hour drive home in wet gear!

Once home unloaded everything into an already messy kitchen dogs got dry coats on to keep them warm and just as we were getting ready for baths ourselves my aunty and Uncle turned up!! I had to tell them to head to the cottages, glad they were empty,  for a cuppa as our house was such a mess. A nice catch up with them then the usual mad rush to get everything done before watching ourselves on the TV!

15c wet misty windy

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