The Who??

The Hunna, that's who! Sorry I'm none the wiser either....or is it just me. It's probably just me, isn't it. 

Oh, it was lovely to have a lie in this morning. I had breakfast in the comfy reading chair....I love Philippa Gregory books....and it was midday before I was dressed and ready to meet Pat. We had decided on a little jaunt into town. We wandered around the Northern Quarter and had a mooch in Affleck's Palace. On the way back to the bus stop I was drawn to the loud music and the crowd in The Triangle. Poor Pat hates loud noises, I love the throb of live music punching through your body. She stood with her fingers in her ears whilst I took a few pics and chatted to the very nice security man lol. Anyway, that's how I came across The Hunna :))

I went round to see Carole this evening and had a cheeky glass of wine. Audrey then nipped round to see me went I arrived home and she saw the prints I've got ready to sell at a craft fair and she bought one...yay!

Now, I had better get to bed as it is an early start as I said I would do an extra day tomorrow....seemed a good idea at the time ha ha ha. 

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