
I had real trouble waking up this morning. I think the restless nights are catching up with me so I was so pleased to have decided to have Monday as my new day off now that I have taken on a regular Saturday job.

Once we were up, Mr W and I went Birthday present shopping in town ready for Mr W's Granddaughters 5th Birthday tomorrow. I ended up buying myself a mens black denim jacket from Primarni!

Then this afternoon my Babies came back to me!! We had planned on a Pizza Express evening with Daughters Number 1 and 2 to use up some vouchers I had swapped from Nectar points but I was surprised by a visit from Samuel Squidget who had spent the weekend with his Nanny and Auntie in Portsmouth. So just a few weeks after our trip to Cornwall to see him, he was here to see us again.

So once again here's a group shot of the 5 of us because I can't get enough of seeing us all together!


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