Its Chucky!

It was Mr W's Grandaughter Amelia's 4th Birthday Party today and we took Jasmine along for a bit of cake. After her initial shyness that lasted all of 10 minutes, she was then well away with the little ones and their dolls and they all ended up upstairs playing "Mums and Aunties" !

We bought Amelia that "Chucky" Baby that stares at you and I'm sure will have the children strung to the ceiling in the middle of the night. It crawls and progresses to other things as it learns and Amelia was thrilled with it as its what she always wanted apparently!

I asked Amelia nicely if I could have a picture of her with Jasmine. She very politely  said "No". Ok then, Ill just have your back!

Jasmine and I then spent the afternoon making Gingerbread men which was pretty full on but Jasmine enjoyed making them and they actually tasted quite good. We then drove her back to Enfield, collecting her mum from her friend Mel who she had been working for over the weekend.

And home to reeeellllllaaaaaaaxxxxxxx!


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