
As you may know Granny and Papa had 4 visitors at their house last night for a sleepover....they had Jessica, Emma, Katie and Amie.....Papa wasn't overly impressed!!!

I went down this morning to collect my 2 and I told them that the only way they were going to get the sweeties that Granny had bought them was for them to pose for me for my "blip". The sweeties was enough to do the trick, surprise surprise eh?

I did take 2 shots and did manage to have them all lying with their arms at their sides and their legs straight on the floor but preferred this one as their facial expressions let you know just how difficult this was!! I also thought for a wee change we would add a little fun to the mix and make it blue!! Do you like?

I said to Megan and Johnny that I would see if Granny would take them for a sleepover next Saturday as they have not yet had one at Granny's new house, it's always been the wee ones. I told them not to mention it to Granny and I would "sweeten" her up during the week. Meg said "ok Mummy".....5 mins into Granny's and she put her foot in it!! Anyway, Granny said YES. I have a feeling that Katie and Jessica won't be impressed but they have had their turn on more than one occasion.

Blip done for the day I can now sit back and relax.....haha I hear you say I still have ironing, shoes to polish etc etc!!

Enjoy your Sunday.


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