Little Miss Bashful

We went down to see Granny after dropping Megan at the horses.

It's been lovely today but it's been very cold. No more summer surprises I think! Johnny went to Rouken Glen with Papa and Granny, the girls and I went to the park in Eaglesham before coming home. I had asked Granny to help me move a plant from the ground into a pot before my hubby goes in at it like a bulldozer!! Granny ended up doing the lot! Thanks Granny.

Johnny leg is good. We took the dressing over the top off so that he could get a bit of air at it. As we've to keep the stitches dry until the weekend I just gave him a wash down. He didn't put up too much of a fuss and he didn't have to do anything but stand there so that suits Johnny having it all done for him!! lol

I let his coaches know today that he won't be at training. I need to let the school know too so that he doesn't do too much running around! I am sure he would be fine but just to make sure that it's "knitted" together properly!

Back to school tomorrow for the kids but 4 days this week and 4 days next week and then they are off for the October holidays!!

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