Day 9/10

You talk about this day;

“Oh yeah Sam’s off to Uni and Josh in to the Army, yeah same day, no we’re not bothered - looking forward to some ‘us’ time”

Today’s the day and it’s not an exaggeration to say that both Clare and I are bereft.

Samantha received the keys to her 10m2 £5.5k per year flat and Mum helped her move in.

Joshua enlisted into the Corps Of Royal Engineers as a Junior Soldier at 1310 today.

Clare took Sam shopping and then departed for a long journey back on her own with only her thoughts for company.

The seperation of recruits from parents at the AFC is a quite an abrupt procedure but fifteen minutes after Josh left the auditorium I made my way to the car and began the 400 mile journey home, music blaring so as not to dwell on the feeling of desolation at no children in the car.

Clare and I met at Taunton Dean for coffee and something to eat before continuing home together where a very excited Gussie greeted us.

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