Day 8/10

Today was largely spent with my rear attached to my car seat. A 400 mile drive north in sunshine was not the chore it appears.
Following a restless night I cooked breakfast for the four of us and the meal turned into a relaxed funny prelude to what would be at times a tearful morning.
All Sam’s ‘stuff’ went into ‘Big Red’, all Joshua’s into ‘Marco’ then it was time to set off.
Falmouth To Sedgemoor services I had Sam as my passenger. Attempts to find profound advice to offer, meaningful tips on how to live in London and my thoughts on the year ahead were replaced with the usual Fathers advice to Daughters. We laughed, shed  a couple of tears but for three hours thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company.
At Sedgemoor we swapped passengers and after following each other to Bristol Clare and Sam headed east along the M4 whilst Josh and I continued north on the M5.
I’ve never really understood the lure of the north, all this “plain speaking, down to earth hard working and dour” characteristics versus “southern softies” divide but it seems a pleasant enough place as you hurtle through on the motorway.
Eight hours after setting off we arrived at Leeds where we checked into our Premiere Inn before heading to Harrogate and a three course Nando’s as Joshua’s ‘Last Supper’.
Back in the room I had the opportunity to catch up on nephew George’s charity boxing match - He won on points - Earning not only a fair ‘chunk of change’ for charity but also the respect due anyone who enters a boxing ring.
A more relaxed day than some of the recent ones.

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