The Loveliest Beach...

It was a hard climb down, and I wanted to take Alfred as it is dog friendly, but he wouldn't have managed it alone and despite a brave attempt I couldn't carry him and climb down the steep rocks, so I gave up that idea.  Mr K tried to get down, but is afraid of heights and couldn't bear the last bit.  So I carried Alfs back to him and they waited for me at the top of the cliff.  I tried again to climb down, but my backpack got wedged on the edges of the rocks as I tried to 'bumshuffle' down, and I was terrified I'd get stuck or fall... So up the cliff I went again in tears (I'd been looking forward to getting to this beach for two years).  I decided to give it one more go.  I left my backpack with Mr K and Alfred, and taking only my camera, I attempted to climb down to the beach again.  Third time lucky and I made it!  See extra for a view of the beach from the beach...  Well worth it the trouble getting there!  :-)

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