The Day of Alfred's Blessing...

What a lovely time we had in Truro today, despite the heavy rain. We went to the Cathedral and as dogs aren't allowed in there, we were discussing who'd go in first, when the lady who meets and greets visitors came up to us singing Alfred's praises and telling us about her rescue border who looked just like him. She said that if we carried Alfs that he could go in. Well I'd seen an advert for an animal blessing service in an old church in West Sussex, and would have loved to take Alfred along, but we were leaving for Cornwall that day so couldn't make it. Anyway, I carried Alfred into the cathedral and just a few seconds later a clergywoman was starting a blessing on all the visitors in the cathedral at that time! I was so happy Alfs was in there just at the right time. Shortly afterwards she came over to us as we were waiting while Mr K was in the shop, and asked gently if Alfs was an assistant dog as dogs weren't really allowed in. I explained we'd been allowed in on the condition that I carried him, then we chatted a bit and she blessed him! So he got his blessing for sure, and in a Cathedral!

We're walking another stretch of the Coast Path tomorrow - I hope the sun shines! :-)

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