An apple a day
A brighter day weather-wise, and mixed otherwise.
Some real head-hurting work to get done. Then some weeding to bring back equilibrium (though I had to change weeding plans half-way through when I disturbed a frog. Seemed politer to leave him/her in peace). And a look at the tree with the tiny apples, and the one with the huge apples. (This is one of the huge ones.) Planted some winter veg, thought much about a garden project soon to be started, and then lots of taxi driving.
One of those days that doesn't feel very fulfilling, somehow. Perhaps because I'm not done yet tussling with that legal problem. I'm hoping for an early night, losing myself in my book and then waking at 3am* with a revelation...
*To be honest, 6.50am would be more convenient, but I'll take enlightenment whenever it arrives.
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