Emergency blip .....

........ structure!!
Today I did my Tuesday swim/ exercise of 64 lengths ! Well it had to be done , tho' , it is becoming harder each time I go now? .
Then I went to have a coffee and a bite to eat before going to the cinema to see Victoria and Abdul , I thought it was 2.05pm start but I soon found out it was 2.40pm !! Bah humbug! Then of course after all the adverts it's 3.20pm before it really starts, not impressed with my mistake !! I enjoyed the film tho' sad in places especially in the end.( can't understand mans cruelty to man )!!
The structure in my blip was taken through the car window as I was coming home.
It is in Factory Lane Waddon the site of the old Power station . Now disused it is a remnant of the past. The chimney stack seen in the background is now just land marks and the site is where IKEA is and the whole area is called "Valley Park " and houses a number of shops / restaurants and a cinema complex.
The original Power station was built in 1866 and refurbished in 1896 .By the 1920/30's it was becoming redundant , the actual date it completely closed I'm afraid had escaped me!! My mother in law told me that in the 30's children with Whooping cough were taken for a therapeutic walk around the Gas Ohmmeter ?? How true this tail was I'm not sure, but if it was correct then I'm sure it would have been late 30's before it closed.
We have had reasonable temperatures today, which helps the Autumn pass.

Thankful ..... for still being able to go to the pool.

The structure in my blip was taken thrn

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