Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Dancing light..

A day of rest..

After a week of feeling rubbish I am at full measure relaxing mode.

A leisurely morning, mooching around the house, cups of tea still dressed in my morning comfy stuff, tea in the kitchen, tea in the lounge, tea in the study and tea in the garden. After too much tea it was time for some lunch.....

In complete and wonderful laziness I took myself off to a very good restaurant down by the river for a ROAST dinner....I know some people find it odd to dine alone but I rather enjoy it, roast beef with all the trimmings and a nice glass of Merlot!

A little walk down by the river and watch the light dance on the wind whipped water, texture and form changing by the second as the busy clouds twisted and turned the light like a marionette. The wind was cool against my face and it felt beautiful, full of the smells of Autumn.

I think a movie and a lay on the settee this afternoon.....maybe....just maybe...a snooze, go on Pete..... be a devil!

Today is my little Buddies this one is dedicated to 'Beverley Big Screens' Happy Birthday Gorgeous!!

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