Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Absence of light


The wind and the rain hit me as I stepped out of the house, dark and mysterious, as demented shadows leapt around made by the trees throwing branches across the street lamp. Hood up and grimacing, it is that time of the year again. A time when light dissipates and darkness prevails...a time for candles, red wine and ghost stories.

It feels very much like one of those days where you want to go for a long walk and end up in a pub with a blazing fire! Scarves and hats....mittens on kids and a nice heavy coat weighing you down.

I love the richness of colour, during the summer things get bleached out....Autumn splashes it all back. Rain shiny pavements, fallen leaves decorating wind swept street corners, lamp light golden hues and the warmth of a coffee shop enticing you in (not that I need that!). I like a nice red Woolley hat....not that I have one, I just thinks girls look lovely in a good Woolley hat, hair all desperate to escape, my lovely Lady looks smashing in a hat........ooer! lost myself there!!!

Anyway, here's to all the really lovely stuff! I know that there are days where you can feel a little miserable when the 'Blackness' comes, but, wear a good scarf and get out a nice hat and play in the leaves, I have always found a little pile of happiness at the bottom of a well kicked pile of leaves!!!!


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