"To the wood, to the woods."

We haven't made Sloe, or Damson, Gin for a year or three, so I thought I'd have a go. Sloes a bit past their best and few and far between, but I should manage 1/2 litre. 
Which brings me to a question:-
Are the trees male & female? I saw some with plenty sloes, relatively squeaking and some with nary a sloe to their name.
I also remember there's a farm not m100 miles away acts as outlet for the local Damson growers :¬)
Must relocate it.
Whilst wandering the woods (Wetheriggs Country Park) I couldn't help but see a few sights like this, looking as though man had never set foot. Feet may be set next visit.
En route I couldn't resist the posing "Tortoiseshell".

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