The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Cosmic Fungus

On Wednesdays I have a quick breather in the park at lunchtime. The weather was not lovely today, but I sat on a tree stump to eat my snack (now that I have revamped breakfast, lunch is next on the list). I noticed some fungi growing on the stump, and snapped them. They've now been given a cosmic makeover.

We took the nursery children swimming, as usual. After they left we had a meeting to learn how to use some new software, which is going to revolutionise the way we keep the children's learning journals. Then I came home, and fell asleep while watching Pointless!

It's only Wednesday but I've been working everyday since last Saturday, so it's my equivalent of Friday night. Thank goodness tomorrow is more or less free, before I go to market with my cards on Friday. Think I might go and find a glass of wine now.

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