The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The Very Busy Day

I walked to work for 8.30. Thursdays are busy but our group managed 40 minutes of outdoor play in " the field". Glorious sunshine, but not too hot.

Left at 1pm (actually 1.10) went to library for a tour of how to lock/unlock the venue for evening classes. It really IS rocket science. After that, I rushed home to get ready for a massage client.
Grabbed some miso soup, and a chunk of Brie, for lunch. After the client had left, I tidied up a d headed back to work to meet my climbing partner, LA.

We went to the Warehouse at Gloucester. Considering how long it's been since we climbed (over two months) I wasn't bad, but I have lost all my upper body strength, and my boots hurt. Still, a good beginning. We can get better.

Back home by 6.30 pm, I put the massage towels in the washing machine, and cooked an amazing supper (rare tuna steaks stuffed with anchovies) and snapped this sunset shot in front of the house.

Now I'm watching TV and waiting for a text from my friend. We're going to listen to some traditional Irish music in my local. Fortunately it's no distance away. And I have no work tomorrow. Hurrah to all that!

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