Two for the price of, well, two...

My mind is going. Some would say, loudly for all to hear, that it went decades ago. Went mad at M&S today... thought the bill was a tad higher than expected. When I came home I found I'd bought both shirts I'd been pondering over! Weddings this weekend and the next, but truly I don't need two new white shirts.

Packing of the camper van is on hold while it gets an extra special clean, which is presumably much cleaner than the clean it already is. It will either be back blips or iPhone uploads for a while. Still, the weather might not be too bad in the Lakes.

Spent this evening in Wotton discussing the viability and possibility of a Greenway between there and here. Been discussed for decades. This time? Maybe. Would be nice to be able to walk without dodging the traffic that hurtles along the country lanes. Won't be for years though, as there seems to be no cash. Again.

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