Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Yee-ha !

I warned you!!! No 3 will not be parted from this costume. For weeks she has been asking to wear it and now that the show is over she wasted no time in putting it to good use!

Mr S and No 3 spent hours building a lego 'Space station' and we finally managed to get a play outside when the rain stopped.

Some tired girls this morning. It was lovely to see the big girls helping out with the little ones at the show - also there were very touching acts of kindness...little gifts and cards and flowers and birthday cakes passing hands backstage over the last few nights. No moody teenagers, no fall outs - new friendships made too.

Since my eldest daughter has now introduced herself to the rest of the cast as a drunken 'Miss Hannigan' she was very popular with the little ones (not sure where she learned how to stagger about as an old drunk in a dressing gown - can't be from her mother surely!!!?)

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