Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

Every Cloud...

Still no sign of the illusive phone. Spent another hour this morning, searching less obvious places in the house, but I still can't find it... it really isn't in the fridge!!

Anyway I have decided to stop mourning it and to look to the future. So I did what I have been meaning to do since last Friday, and I have ordered my new phone. Ordered is the operative word because there is a 3 week wait for the iphone 5 at the moment, due to it's sales success in the last week. So I am going to have to make do with an old fashioned hand set for a couple of weeks, if of course we can locate the chargers for said old phones!

Another shot in Bushy Park I'm afraid. Feel very uninspired at the moment and seem to be driving through the park all the time.

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