Building site

Today's the day ............................ to 'make tomorrow a better place'

I thought it was quite good of Carillion  to leave a viewing window in the hoardings surrounding an enormous hole in the ground between Arundel Street and Surrey Street, London - so that you could see what was going on.  There was also a picture of what it would eventually look like (see extra) if all went to plan - and an active encouragement for you to give them comments, positive or negative, by getting in touch by phone or email. 

My first thought was - Are you quite sure you know what's down there?  I mean - not just things like water, sewer or gas mains - but more Roman remains - or even the odd underground tube line?  I think you must have to have nerves of steel to go digging big holes in a confined space in the middle of a large city that has been there for hundreds of years.

Apparently though - they just want to make tomorrow a better place .....................

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